What's Happening

In 2012, when it came to our attention that honey bees were vanishing across America, Daybreak took action. At the time, Daybreak was only about 18% complete, so there were 3,000+ acres of undeveloped land that could be utilized for protecting honey bees. We partnered with a professional apiarist (a fancy word for beekeeper) to set-up several beekeeping boxes throughout the community in our undeveloped areas.

While you may not see the actual beekeeping boxes as you explore our community, you will see our little pollinator friends.  Our hope is that the bees continue to thrive for years to come in an environment where they can pollinate the flowers in the yards, buzz through the parks and along the trails, and visit the blossoms on the trees and vegetables in the community gardens and adjacent family farms.

Daybreak Bees

Daybreak has various types of bees that are known to do well in the Utah climate.  The bee types are Italian, Carniolans, and Minnesota hygienic.  The Italian bees are gentle and great for a backyard beekeeper, the Carniolan bees are a bit more aggressive which makes them great for increased honey production, and the Minnesota hygienic bees are a hybrid bee that are resistant to disease and the cold climate of Utah.
Daybreak Honey
Hives with our little pollinators will arrive in the neighborhood in the next few weeks. They are currently enjoying warmer weather buzzing through almond groves in California.

Taste Daybreak Honey

Of course, when you have your own army of bees making honey by the gallon, it’s hard not to share in the fruits of their labor.
You can purchase your own jar of Daybreak Honey at Swirly Girls on SoDa Row or Biscotts Bakery & Café located at The Hub in Upper Villages. Our honey is sold raw, which is unpasteurized and doesn’t contain additional water.
Daybreak Honey
Raw honey has a vast array of health benefits because it maintains all the natural vitamins, enzymes and active phytonutrients. Read more about the health benefits of Daybreak honey.


20 Years Bold

We’re commemorating two decades of Daybreak. Join us in taking a look back — and a look forward.

Let's Celebrate
Daybreak 20 Years Celebration