What's Happening

At Daybreak, we think big even when it comes to something as small as a honey bee. From the flowers they pollinate, honey bees bring us one-third of the food we eat. Yet, the bees throughout the world have begun to die off at an alarming rate which is threatening our natural food supply.
That’s why Daybreak has invited an estimated 4.5 million honey bees to live right here in the neighborhood. Less than 20% of Daybreak is currently developed, which leaves plenty of open fields to support our honey bee population that arrives in hives each spring and are attended to by professional apiarists. Our hope is that the bees will thrive in an environment where they can pollinate the flowers in our yards, buzz through the parks and along the trails, and visit the blossoms on the trees and vegetables in our community gardens and adjacent family farms.
Our latest harvest produced approx. 2,000 pounds of honey that is available for purchase at Swirly Girls Gourmet Bakery on SoDa Row. Our honey is sold raw, which is unpasteurized and doesn’t contain additional water. Raw honey has a vast array of health benefits because it maintains all the natural vitamins, enzymes and active phytonutrients. Read more about the health benefits of Daybreak honey.
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So, although you may not notice our new busy residents, we hope you will try the sweet Daybreak honey they work hard to produce. Our honey is available for a limited-time, while supplies last.


20 Years Bold

We’re commemorating two decades of Daybreak. Join us in taking a look back — and a look forward.

Let's Celebrate
Daybreak 20 Years Celebration