What's Happening

This is getting exciting. As you may know, construction has begun on the Watercourse, the ribbon of canals and lakelets that will stretch through a large swath of Daybreak’s Upper Villages. And we now have a target timeframe for completion. If all goes according to plan (and we don’t see why it shouldn’t) you could find yourself strolling next to or paddling around the Watercourse by the end of 2023.

What’s even more exciting is how the plan for the Watercourse has evolved. This new Daybreak amenity, isn’t just a small river that looks the same wherever it flows. No, the Watercourse is a wonderful variety of experiences.

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One section will have a series of little waterfalls. In another, the Watercourse divides into smaller brooks with islands in between. There’s a narrow, faster-flowing branch that broadens into a gentle waterway, almost like a long lake. This connects to a stretch that is sort of like an urban canal (think Venice Beach) bordered by wide sidewalks and public lawns.

Then there’s one more piece of the Watercourse that is actually the centerpiece. It’s called the Cove. Here you’ll find a big open-air pavilion, a watercraft check-out and a cool new park on the shores of two big ponds.

We’ll make no attempt to describe the level of engineering sophistication and design thinking that has gone into the plan for the Watercourse other than to say it has required the best efforts of a lot of really smart people, for whom we are very grateful.


20 Years Bold

We’re commemorating two decades of Daybreak. Join us in taking a look back — and a look forward.

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Daybreak 20 Years Celebration