Daybreak began as a bunch of ideas. We asked ourselves: how might we improve the whole notion of community? How might we find ways to make each day more effortless and healthful and beautiful? At the beginning some of the concepts seemed far-fetched. Like the idea of building the community around a large man-made lake or making a suburban neighborhood bikeable to really cool amenities. But that’s the funny thing about ideas. It may take a lot of work to get them started. But at some point, they take on a life of their own. They begin to create their own momentum. Then one day you stop, look around and you’re amazed at the transformation that has taken place. That’s the power of good ideas.

The Salt Lake Tribune featured Daybreak in their Innovation Lab series with an article written by Sofia Jeremias.
An excerpt of the article states: In Daybreak, making the community safe for pedestrians and cyclists was always part of the plan, explained Stephen James, senior vice president of planning and community design for Larry H. Miller Real Estate. “Daybreak was conceived as a case study for smart growth,” he wrote in a text, “a laboratory of sorts to explore how to get back to more human scale, less automobile dependent development, development that allows transportation mode equity.” If Daybreak could build a community where schools, groceries and restaurants are a five-minute walk away — might other growing suburbs in Utah follow suit?
Read the article, here.