What's Happening

Media Release
Daybreak was one of the first communities of its kind to receive Fiber to the Home (FTTH) internet service back in 2005 in an agreement with Qwest (now CenturyLink) to provide bulk service to the community at a competitive rate. Community residents will soon see their basic speeds upgraded to a 40MB download speed and a 20 MB upload speed at no additional cost. Additionally, Daybreak will be one of the first communities in Utah to offer CenturyLink’s new 1 GB connection.
We realize that the way Daybreak residents use the internet in their home continues to evolve—many of our residents manage a home business or work remotely, landlines are disappearing and VoIP services & video conferencing applications are more common.  Let’s not forget about using your home Wi-Fi to connect with smartphones, tablets, and other devices, not to mention the bevy of video streaming services such as Netflix now available at reasonable rates—in short, we realize that Daybreak residents are connected more than ever and depend on reliable internet in the home and require more band width.
“Daybreak is always looking forward in providing new and advanced technology options for our community,” said Ty McCutcheon, Vice President Daybreak. “We are excited that CenturyLink is now offering 1 gigabit fiber service to our community. This allows our residents to enjoy all of the benefits of fast Internet and helps us to continue to fulfill our vision to always be a vibrant and cutting-edge community.  Based upon resident feedback in a recent Community Action Survey, the Daybreak Homeowners Association created a committee (consisting of Daybreak residents) to work closely with CenturyLink to address the need of faster internet speeds in the community. The result was the higher speeds now being offered.
So what do you need to as a Daybreak resident to take advantage of the faster internet speed? Absolutely nothing.
The upgrade from 12 MB to 40 MB is a perk of being a Daybreak resident. All Daybreak residents who currently have a Fiber to the Home connection will be upgraded.* Over the next few weeks upgrades will be handled remotely by CenturyLink. A timeline of when you can expect to receive the upgrade is below.***
CenturyLink Upgrade Timeline.jpg
Need even more speed? Daybreak residents are eligible to upgrade their internet speed to 100 MB or 1GB for an additional fee.  For additional questions on upgrading beyond the 40MB, contact CenturyLink 866-316-1975.

40 MB 100 MB 1GB
Included in your $33/mo. fee $59** $118.95**

* All Daybreak residents with the exception of Phase 1 have fiber to the home service. If you are currently being charged the $33 per month with your HOA dues, then you have the Fiber service and will receive the speed upgrade.
**Prices reflect full price for service after discounting the $33 fee assessed with HOA dues. 
***The cross box addresses in column one represent the 15 equipment locations on the property. CenturyLink will turn them up to 40M/20M one at a time on the dates listed in column four. Homes nearest to these sites will be upgraded on these dates. The number of homes each location serves is listed in column two.  


20 Years Bold

We’re commemorating two decades of Daybreak. Join us in taking a look back — and a look forward.

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Daybreak 20 Years Celebration