What's Happening

Judy and Lance Christodoulou are big-time movers. They may even be movers and shakers, but we can’t speak to that. All we know is that they started in their homeland of South Africa, then moved to a home in Erie, PA, then moved to another home in Erie, then to a home in Daybreak. Then, just a few months ago, to a brand-new home in Daybreak’s Lake Village. But if the decision is left to their four-year-old son, Ethan, the Christodoulou’s moving days are over.

“We really enjoy building houses,” Lance says. “We enjoy the process of finding the home site and choosing the finishes. But Ethan loves this house. He never wants to move.”

Looking at the Christodoulou’s home in Lake Village, it’s easy to understand why Ethan and the rest of the family have become so attached. Their home is just one short block from Oquirrh Lake, which allows for daily walks and bike rides along the shore and canoe rides whenever the mood strikes. “I feel like I’m on vacation every day,” Judy says.

They don’t even have to be outside to enjoy the lake. “Our home looks right onto the lake, and we have these big windows that let us look out to the water,” Judy explains. “And in the morning we take our coffee and sit on the deck outside our bedroom and see the sun coming up over the mountains.”

Being the expert movers that they are, the Christodoulous shopped around before they selected their new David Weekley home in Lake Village. “We looked at builders outside of Daybreak, and we could clearly see a difference in the quality of what you get,” Lance says.

But as much as they love their home next to Oquirrh Lake, Lance and Judy seem to appreciate the surrounding community just as much. “It’s just so convenient,” says Judy, who not only works from home but takes care of their two children as well. “There’s so much here, I don’t have to drive places. In Daybreak, we’re spending more time with the kids — more quality time.”

Lance, Judy, Ethan and one-year-old Katelyn go on a walk or bike ride every night after dinner. Ethan knows all the nearby parks and likes to choose the destination for their evening excursions. “I think Ethan’s lucky to live in a place like this,” Lance says. “And when he gets older, he’ll be able to cycle around on his own. Daybreak has an ideal setup to let children do what children do.”

Ethan even likes going to school at Daybreak Academy, where he’s getting his first taste of everything from Chinese to music to martial arts. “He’s flourishing and he loves it here,” Judy says.

And that’s how a family of movers turns into a family of stayers.

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