We’re looking for photos of Daybreak taken by Daybreak residents – to use in our marketing. A way to show potential residents what a great place Daybreak really is. Show us your Daybreak–you know that amazing photo you took of the sun rising over Oquirrh Lake? The one that’s sitting on your smartphone? Send it to us. Are you an aspiring photographer or even a semipro who takes photos around the community for fun? Send us those too.
From now until March 4, 2015, Daybreak will choose four winners each week, who’ll collect a $50 SoDa Row gift card . If your image is published by Daybreak you will receive an additional $100 Visa gift card. That adds up to a pretty sweet opportunity for you.
Email your photos to info@daybreakutah.com. Remember to include your name, when and where in Daybreak the photo was taken, and any other pertinent info. Naturally, by submitting your image you give us permission to use it.
If you want to play along even more, share the photos you submit on Instagram and tag @DaybreakUtah. (Photos only shared on Instagram are not eligible to win. You must also email the image to us.)
Happy snapping!
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We’re commemorating two decades of Daybreak. Join us in taking a look back — and a look forward.
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