Bikeable neighborhoods offer residents a vibrant community and may help increase social capitol.
Mike and Tristin West, were recently interviewed by Fox13 about how living in a bikeable neighborhood like Daybreak has allowed them to switch to cycling as the family’s primary mode of transportation.
One of the benefits of living in Daybreak, Salt Lake’s #1 place to buy a new home, is the variety of outdoor recreation options available. Daybreak is a perpetual invitation to get outdoors. So lace up your shoes, grab your water bottle and get outside!
Residents enjoy 30+ miles of maintained trail, stitching the neighborhoods together like a seam on a patchwork quilt. Whether you need to clear your head, are looking for a leisurely bike ride or stroll to get the wiggles out, or you need a new fitness routine—Daybreak offers the perfect backdrop for a bikeable neighborhood.
Studies have shown that most people are willing to leave the car in the garage if the place they want to go to is within a 5-minute walk. Daybreak is planned on this simple rule. Placing parks, restaurants, shopping, schools, offices and light rail within easy walking or biking distance from your home. And tying the entire community together with trails, sidewalks and bicycle highways. Now that is a bikeable neighborhood!
Bikeable Neighborhood Benefits
Five benefits of bikeable neighborhoods like Daybreak, include:
Positively impacts mental and physical health.
Economic vitality for local businesses.
Improves air quality.
Saves money by using a car less frequently.
Increases social interaction among neighbors and social capitol.